Shoe box to story box

Thank you for all your wonderful creations; we were amazed by your creativity, imagination and of course your love of fantastic books! You can see some of the superb story boxes in the display cabinets in both entrances!

Well done to the following children who won a £5 voucher to spend at our upcoming Book Fair:

Beau-Heron Class, Noah-Teal Class, Franek-Swan Class, Irma-Linnet Class and Yoana-Swift Class

Here are their stunning entries:

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone  By Yoana

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

By Yoana




The Wild Kratts

By Franek



The Magic Faraway Tree

By Irma


I don’t want to go to bed

By Noah


Fantastic Mr Fox

By Beau